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(Off-Centered) Mirror Mirror, On the Wall......

Off-Centered Mirror

You may be wondering what's the deal with this pic? Why do you have a picture of a sofa and a mirror on the wall? Why is this even your first post? Trust me, I get it, as I am thinking the same thing myself. However, when the Lord teaches you a lesson in the smallest things and leads you to share it, you share it, no matter what. So grab a snack and hear me out!

I've had a floor mirror in my room for about 4 years --- an amazing find too (got it at HomeGoods for under $70)! At the top of the year, I decided that the mirror would probably be dope mounted on the wall in the living room, so I asked my Daddy if it was something he could do while he was in town. At the time, he mentioned that the mirror was lighter than expected and he could easily mount it, but it would have to be the next time he was in town since he didn't have the necessary tools with him. Translation: I had to wait for an unknown amount of time for what I wanted to get done.

After hearing I would have to wait, I initially had no problem waiting because waiting on my dad meant 3 things: 1) one on one time spent with my Daddy, 2) knowing that the mirror would be mounted perfectly and without issues, and 3) it would be free of charge, lol. But after a few days of being excited about changing up the living room space, I got antsy. I was ready to transform the space now. I didn't want to wait anymore. I was ready to chill in my living room again, with it being set up the way I wanted right now. So I called my sis and asked her for the number of her go-to handyman.

I called both guys. One guy wanted a million dollars to mount one mirror. It's a whole no for me, sir. The other guy charged a super reasonable amount and could be there the same day. I was all about the timing, so I decided to move forward with him. When he arrived, he was very friendly and confident in his skills. I told him where I wanted the mirror (centered above the sofa) and he began to take measurements. Mins later, the mirror was up, I mean he threw the thing up there, lol. But when I looked up, all I saw was a mirror that was off-centered. When I expressed my disappointment, the guy suggested "moving the sofa over so it will look centered". I'm like " Moving the sofa over will block the entryway." I thanked him for his time and assistance, but I also expressed my disappointment. After he left, he sent me a partial refund to account for my disappointment. But I was still left in my living room, staring at an off-centered mirror.

I told myself maybe if I just go ahead and finish up the space, it won't bother me. I would walk past the mirror, trying to ignore it, but I just couldn't. Every time I was in the kitchen, or walking to the garage, the mirror would just scream at me. I couldn't ignore it. I eventually got so annoyed, I stopped what I was doing and went to take the mirror down. After, taking the nails out of the wall, I stood there completely defeated. I was staring at a wall, now with holes in it, and still no mirror. It was at that moment, that the Holy Spirit spoke to me and said, "This is what happens when you move without God --- whatever you rush to do without him will be off. Once you realize it and try to tear it down, you are then left with scars unnecessarily --- all because you didn't wait on God."

Some of the damage in wall

I was convicted. Instead of waiting on my Daddy to mount the mirror for me the next time he was in town, knowing it would be done correctly and without worry, I allowed my desire for my living room to be ready now to push me into rushing and hiring someone which produced a "halfway done job". The Lord was showing me in real time what it looks like to move without Him. How many of us do this regularly? We have a promise from God that he will bring to pass, but because we want it now, we try to speed up the process, only to be left looking crazy. SMH. I mean, let's not forget Sarai's amazing plan for Abram and Hagar to get their promised child. SMH. (Genesis 15:1-6; 16:1-15)

I was left with two options. I could either leave the holes exposed and act like they weren't there or I could patch them up. Of course, I knew I had to get them patched but the issue was I had no idea how to do it myself, and I was too embarrassed to call my Daddy and ask for help because I knew I should've waited on him in the first place. Knowing I couldn't let it stay like this, I binged several YouTube videos on how to patch holes in drywall. After gaining YouTube courage, I swallowed my pride, called my Daddy admitting what happened, and asked him to show me how to repair the holes in the wall and to confirm my findings from my research. My Daddy lovingly laughed at me (which I deserved lol), assured me it was not a big deal, and confirmed the method I presented to him was right. So I went to Home Depot, purchased the supplies, and went through the process of patching the holes in the wall myself.

The process took about 2-3 days overall. I had to fill the holes with the spackle. Let it dry. Sand it down. Add another skim coat. Let it dry. Prime the spots. Let it dry. Prime again if needed. Dry again. Then paint. Dry. Paint again covering missed spots. Final dry time. In the end, I ended up with a brand new wall with holes completely undetectable.

What is the overall message here? Never force a promise or desire outside of God's timing and His will. It will only result in a haphazard outcome that will more than likely end up hurting you worst off than you were before. Then, until you repent (turn away from your ways and methods), confess, and surrender to God the Father, he will then reassure and affirm you as He leads you through the process of healing and becoming whole in that area again.

Every single human on this earth has been flawed from birth --- all born as sinners --- separated from God due to the sin (disobedience) of the first humans, Adam and Eve. God, the Creator of all, in His gracious mercy, wants every single one of us to be with Him forever but knows we can not be with Him as sinners. God is pure and holy so he does not and will not does not tolerate sin. So as a result God sent his perfect and blameless son, Jesus, who was all God and all man, to earth to die, taking on the wrath that is truly meant for every single person on this earth, including you. We, however, have the choice to accept and receive Jesus as a gift, acknowledging our state as sinners, Jesus's sacrifice on the cross as the payment for our sins, his resurrection showing us our victory over death in Him, and ascension into heaven for eternity with Him. Through Christ, we receive salvation and an eternity with Him and God the Father. Repent. Acknowledge. Receive Christ and allow Him to patch the holes in your life --- just like a brand-new painted wall rid of all holes and blemishes.

Daph :)

Final Result - Repaired Wall

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